Charlton Softball Association

The CSA is organized for the purpose of promoting fast pitch softball in the town of Charlton, MA. While recognizing that competition is a natural inclination, winning must be secondary to the goals of furthering the participant's skills and knowledge of the sport of fast pitch softball. The underlying motives for all programs will be the enjoyment of participation and the right to compete in a team sport. Fast pitch softball provides the opportunity to grow in interpersonal relationships, develop a sense of fair play, and learn to participate in a disciplined atmosphere according to prescribed rules. Of necessity to accomplish these purposes, adult participation must be supportive of the high aims of good sportsmanship. To this end we commit our time, energy, and talent.


The Charlton Softball Association provides the opportunity to learn and play the sport of softball in a program designed to teach the importance of teamwork, practice, game play, and respect for others. While the attainment of athletic skills is encouraged, the real goal is to instill sportsmanship and lasting values in the players that will contribute to their future development as responsible adults.